Register for this course

Information about the course participant
Other Billingadress  

In the event of a different invoice recipient, the invoice will be sent by e-mail. Therefore, please provide the e-mail address of the appropriate contact person.


Please ensure that the registered participant is proficient in the required CNC fundamentals. The prerequisites are listed in the descriptions of the respective courses.

Conditions for Participation  


The registration requests will be processed in the order they are received. A waiting list will be kept if necessary.

With the confirmation of registration, you receive participant information and a link to help the participants prepare for the course. This information is intended for the course participants and is to be passed on to them.


Participation in the course will be confirmed in writing within one week of having received the registration. The invoice will be sent before the course begins, and is payable in full within 10 days after having been received. For most courses, the course fee covers the following:

  • Training
  • Course materials
  • Lunch and coffee breaks

Travel expenses and lodging are not included in the fee.
For special courses, either the costs stated for “Customer-specific training seminars” or the conditions agreed to in the individual offer shall apply.

Course fee

Die Online-Schulungsanmeldung wird umgehend per E-Mail bestätigt. Die Rechnung ist zehn Tage netto nach Erhalt fällig und wird nach Schulungsbeginn zugesandt. Die Schulungsgebühr enthält bei regulären Schulungen

  • Schulung
  • Schulungs-Begleitmaterial
  • Mittagessen und Kaffeepausen

Nicht enthalten sind die Kosten für die Anreise und Unterkunft.
Für Sonderschulungen gelten die unter "Kundenspezifische Schulungen" genannten Kosten bzw. die im individuellen Angebot vereinbarten Konditionen.

Use of the training documentation / copyright

All media files (e.g. texts, illustrations, graphics, videos), as well as any parts thereof, that are distributed or made available for the training are copyrighted material.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise in an individual media file, the following regulations apply for the use of the files: :
Without the written consent of HEIDENHAIN, these media files must not be passed on to other persons (including other employees of the participating company), duplicated, modified, archived, stored on a server, used in newsgroups or online services, stored on CD-ROMs or other data media, or used in printed publications. The same applies to the use of excerpts or parts of media files.

In addition, the general Terms of Use for the web pages of HEIDENHAIN shall also apply.


HEIDENHAIN shall not be liable for any property or legal flaws of information, software or documentation, especially for training documents that were given free-of-charge, in particular for their correctness, freedom from error, and/or applicability.

Furthermore, DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH is excluded from any liability inasmuch, for example, as it is not patently responsible according to product liability law, due to intent, gross negligence, due to bodily harm or harm to health, due to the assumption of a guarantee for specific characteristics, due to fraudulent concealment of a defect or due to the violation of essential contractual obligations. Compensation for violation of fundamental contractual obligations, however, is limited to typically foreseeable damage, inasmuch as no intent or gross negligence is involved.

Data protection

HEIDENHAIN uses the personal data obtained during registration for the purpose of organizing, conducting and invoicing the respective training. Company-related data and personal data will be shared with third parties only when training or consulting services from HEIDENHAIN are offered in conjunction with partners. HEIDENHAIN will not send newsletters or information material that is not related to the training without the participant’s express consent.

For further details, please refer our Privacy Policy.