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Switching MDI mode to DIN/ISO

NC FAQ1030


Can I switch input in MDI mode to ISO?


In MDI mode, press the MOD key.

On the TNC 407, TNC 410, TNC 415 / 425, TNC 426 / 430 and iTNC 530 move the cursor to the “Program input HEIDENHAIN” line, press the ENT key to switch to ISO, and save this setting by pressing END.

On the TNC 128, TNC 320, TNC 620 and TNC 640 change the setting for program input from HEIDENHAIN to ISO in the pull-down menu, and save this setting.

Product type

Machine control MOD function / network Manual input FAQ TNC 640 TNC 620 iTNC 530 TNC 320 TNC 128 TNC 426/430 TNC 415/425 TNC 410 TNC 407
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